23 July 2016

No matter how relaxed or inspired you feel when listening to Robert's words on audio, or read Nisargadatta's or Ramana's words, realize they are just words. They are concepts spinning in your mind, making you feel emotionally held, relaxed, etc.

Those words you listen to are about Robert's experiences beyond or prior to mind, that are being spoken to your mind, which interprets his beyond-mind words into your experience which is generally mind-bound.

The best way to benefit from those words is to ignore what they say you are beyond mind, but to "feel" into your sense of Self, into the I Am sensation, which at its root are all levels of being, from the I Am, to Nothingness.

Forget about all teachings about no self, no-mind, no separate self, the body is illusion, the world is unreal, and just focus on feeling your I Am. Merger with the I Am sense will reveal yourself as pure Consciousness, the life force, and the energy being that you are. You become the incarnated Krishna, the I Am descended into your body bringing life and sentience.

After this experience, your unfolding takes care of itself. No more work or focus is necessary unless your own self demands more work.

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